I really like Picasa to edit and manage my photos. Since I also use blogger I thought that it would be a good idea to upload my vacation photos to picasaweb in order to share them with certain people.
The sharing options Picasa offers are 3.
1. Public
2. Unlisted
3. Sign in required
The first is self explanatory. The 2nd option constructs a relatively long and unique URL which you can share with you friends. They do not have to have a google account to view photos just the URL. The problem with this is that a friend can share the URL with a friend of its own and so on. This happened to someone as I read and at some point she saw a 'Nice' comment under her naked baby daughter by a 'John' person. As you can understand this is quite disturbing and the 3rd option does not actually solve it since the only difference is that you have to have a google account in order to view the photos. Yes, you are trackable, but is this the real you?
Another problem that came to my mind - I reserve copyrights for a possible Movie scenario, is what happens with geotagging, either manual or automatic? What if some pervert sees my son, or my wife, or me, or a friend of mine in a photo and comes looking? Yes, this can happen also to the street but the street you can somehow control by 'soft measures' like choosing places to be, to live, to work. What happens when the whole world sees you/me/her/him ?
Anyhow I was thinking photobucket's or flickr's password protected folders as a solution but sharing the passwd via email is just the same as giving out the 'secret URL' it can by passed along very easily. Don't anybody give me that crap about sharing the passwd via phone line or sms.
Another solution might be to filter out photos just as you do in Facebook but this conflicts with the whole sharing idea.
And what about all these web photo printing services? I've known occasions where the guy behind the booth that prints your photos has 'shared' them with someone. Hell, there's even a movie about it.
I'm totally confused to tell you the truth. If anybody has a good idea or workflow I'd really like to read about it, until then I'm suspending my online photo albums